playa d

Sobre playa d

 Artist" PLAYA D" Genre: Artist,..Producer Hometown: Port Arthur Tx The future- everyone needs it!!!!!!!! Author: Boogie Fresh The entire album is incredible, Playa-D is the future,If you don't have any of his cds...New Beginnings...Bad Habits..and currently..."CROSSROADS" avail @ BestBuy...dont miss out its a whole nother world out their and Playa-D's going to paint pictures and make you visualize all type of pictures & scenes that occur in everyone life, also other stories about the way of life. Its just the best....HIGHLY UNDERATED ARTIST I can't believe he's from Port Arthur. It dosen't sound like anyone you ever heard.Original, he has some of the best beats you will ever hear. excellent in everything he does. if you really listen to a album you will know that,& notice the difference between his music & every other artist music. The cd will get you excited & have you amped up just like the GREATS the man is a LEGEND.Playa-D New Beginning...Bad Habits....Currently..."CROSSROADS"...(AVAIL@BEST BUY)) is the only cd Im jamming right now,I bought it last month and I been listening to it everyday allday. ITS... PLAYA-D SANTIBOTI RECORDS..All I have to say is BUY THE ALBUM. .. .. .. My name is Lillian.... REP.... ( SANTIBOTI RECORDS ) EST.SINCE 2002 Contact:




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