Matt Little
Matt Little

Matt Little


About Matt Little


My piano playing draws on Albert Ammons, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jools Holland, Walt Richmond, Bill Payne, Garth Hudson and many Blues/Boogie & Rock n'Roll players. Ramsey Lewis, George Shearing and Nat King Cole are at the Jazzier end. My electric piano styles (Wurlitzer, Rhodes & Clav D6) add Joe Sample, Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles to a list too long to mention. Oh and I dabble with the Hammond B3 sounds of Charlie Woods & Georgie Fame!


Band Website


Former label session/touring keyboard player always interested to hear of sessions/gigs and band/trio/duo projects that could be mutually benificial. A shortage of Bass players some years back required me to train my left hand to undertake the task with a keyboard split with now frightening independence! This hand has now moved into my house and stolen my wife, but at least turns up for gigs and plays in tune and in time with the rest of me. Can be very economic if this appeals. Add to this some passable vocals and my musical schizophrenia is complete.

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Boogie, R&B, R&R, blues. Jazz, Funk


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